Try-before-you-buy is such a twenty-first century option and one that is a proven success with consumers. The challenge for brand advertisers is getting their samples into the hands of the right audience - people who will want or can use their products. Giving things away seems like a pretty simple thing to do - everyone likes a freebie! But, is it effective? Use the right lead generation techniques through the right channel and this sample gift will indeed reach the right hands and reap measurable rewards.
At Lifestyle Media Group we know exactly how to apply the right techniques at precisely the right time for the benefit of providing perfect leads for maximum effectiveness for our brand clients.
KEY FACT: Providing free samples in large quantities is a costly exercise and one that creates a risk to reward quandary for even the largest brands. LMG not only has the expertise to manage a campaign of this type but also has a massive membership base from which to select the exact demographic needed for each campaign. In addition LMG complements this expertise with an inhouse postal/fulfilment department to provide a unique end-to-end service for any brand campaign.