Email is a key marketing initiative for brands and an excellent way to increase awareness, strengthen branding or supplement an offline campaign. It can be used to quickly and cost-effectively achieve increased sales at strategic seasonal times. That’s the theory! However, the real measurable success of an email marketing campaign is dependent upon a number of critical factors:
AUDIENCE: Reaching your ideal audience with your marketing message is key to the success of any marketing campaign. However, “ideal” is one of those phrases which cannot be set in stone and sometimes reaching beyond your conceived boundaries reaps even greater rewards. Whether precise targeting is your preference or a broader reach makes sense, what you do need is that option to make your choices. Lifestyle Media Group have over 4 million unique, permission-based, opted-in members who have provided their email addresses so that they can be kept informed of opportunities within their areas of interest. With a further 8 million+ additional consumers reachable by email through our partnership relationships, we have a huge pool of prospects from which our clients can select or even address en masse.
TARGETING: Using our nGage segmentation tools we can identify and make email selections based upon numerous different demographic profiles including age, gender, affluence, home-owner status, number of children. Of even greater benefit to our clients, we also apply our own unique, advanced overlays which add insight into each individuals self-profiled areas of interest, their aspirations, preferred holiday types/destinations and numerous other key indicators of their compatibility with our clients’ own marketing campaigns. With this precision targeting, best-practice email broadcasting is assured.
TECHNOLOGY: Our in-house proprietary technology which we have developed over the last 12 years ensures our clients email broadcasts receive market-leading delivery rates and generate above average click through rates, increased conversions and higher ROI. Expert management of our own data, our own servers and our in-house technical support and design team guarantees our clients nothing short of expert delivery of their email campaign requirements. Clients measure the success of their campaigns via detailed reports and tracking (The Techy Bit).
FLEXIBILITY: Our email broadcasting platform has been developed purely with our clients requirements in mind ensuring they have the flexibility to quickly setup and send an initial email broadcast. Time is of the essence for most campaigns, offers have shelf lives, new releases are only new for a short time and let’s face it – when you are ready to send your broadcast, you just don’t want to wait! For specifically targeted campaigns, counts for the required demographics can be provided in minutes using our bespoke nGage tool. And a second bite at the cherry can be very valuable and that is just what we are able to provide for our clients. By identifying just those individuals who have opened the initial emails, we can immediately follow up with further targeted email to maximise the potential reaction to your call to action.
By its very nature, Lifestyle Media Group is able to address every aspect of your multi-channel promotions. Our members opt-in to receive information from us in every way – by email, by post and by phone – and have provided their contact details to ensure that we can reach them. Our truly end-to-end service even encompasses a state-of-the-art fulfilment house where we despatch literature, catalogues and brochures in huge quantities every day. Sending something in the post to a consumer is a very positive action, however, using email to continue to contact that person, gauge their reaction to your mailing and your products and services also makes for a very personal one-to-one line of communication. Using email as an integral part of your multi-channel approach provides a cost-effective and measurable means of keeping those invaluable lines of communication open with every one of your prospects.
As consumers have become more conscious of being bombarded with junk mail and more increasingly unsolicited emails, the whole “spray and pray” ethic is no longer a satisfactory way of conducting your business. As with most industries there is a “dark side” to email marketing. Perhaps you have been offered 10 million genuine email address for the special-offer half-price cost of just £495? Maybe you have even purchased one, but we are sure you would not be tempted again! As with most things in life - you get what you pay for: 10 million genuine email addresses - usually turns out to be 9.5 million bad or bouncing email addresses, 400,000 full mail boxes, 10,000 reported spam traps and before you have even sent out 10,000 emails your IP address has been black listed and all your emails are sent directly into the spam folders of any real peoples email.
Protect yourself from wasting money on poor third-party databases, but most importantly protect the integrity of your brand. Using companies such as Lifestyle Media Group with their opted-in members and their very hard-won and prestigious Sender Score Certification (very few UK companies can boast this qualification) will ensure you avoid the many pitfalls of the ever-evolving hi-tech world. It is our job and our responsibility to keep abreast of everything new which could impact on our clients email communications and it is our pleasure to work for you.
Your broadcasts can contain whatever call to action is required - drive traffic to your website, requests for more information, register interest. Any email selections can be made based upon age, gender, sex, location, areas of interest, affluence, even house type . . . read more
Our proprietary email broadcasting platform nGage has been developed in-house over the past 10 years. This means we ensure the highest delivery rates achievable for our campaigns and those of our clients . . . read more