SMS Marketing Campaigns


Broadcasting your message via SMS (Short Message Service) means your message goes right into the hands of your audience and with an estimated 40 million smart phones in the UK, expected to rise to 64 million by 2018 (mobileSQUARED) there is a potentially huge audience. Unlike email broadcasting where messages are often deleted without ever being read or they get filtered off into spam folders, SMS messages must be called up to be deleted. When was the last time you received an SMS and didnt read it? You aren't alone 97.5% of SMS messages are read within 5 seconds of being received (Ofcom - 2011). This highly effective method of marketing still remains underused due to the lack of availability of good quality, opted-in mobile data and the complexities of setting it up.


Calling a huge list of random mobile phone numbers, or simply sequentially dialling are both ineffective and often unethical or possible even illegal. The key to effective mobile marketing is being able to target your audience; this means knowing their age, location, gender and areas of interest. Using our mGage Mobile Platform our clients are able to target and send out personalised SMS messages to their exact demographic. Our mGage Segmentation Tools ensure that clients are sending their message to the right audience and by enhancing standard demographics with Lifestyle Media Group's own "Areas of Interest" and "Aspirations" overlays we are able to provide access to a profiled breakdown of over a million adult mobile phone users in the UK.


The mGage Mobile Platform offers a unique 2-way dialog between the advertiser and their audience. We have all seen the "Text WIN to 12345 for your chance to enter" or "TEXT 1 to Vote for your favourite X-Factor Contestant" and this works well for these type of campaigns, but LMG has taken this concept a stage further to give its advertisers a full 2-way conversation. mGage is setup to give advertisers the option when someone responds via SMS, to send additional automatic responses back to them depending upon their initial response.

THAT EXTRA STEP: Because LMG holds the full opted-in details (including address) of each person contacted via SMS, advertisers can personalize each SMS message. This also gives LMG clients using the mGage Mobile Platform the unique ability to generate interest in other forms of communication via SMS. For example a car manufacturer can offer its latest Brochure via SMS, "Reply with YES to receive the latest BMW3 Series Brochure", a discounts company can broadcast "Text OFFERS to receive an email with the latest discounts from Groupon". By keeping the mechanism simple, the response rate to these type of campaigns is dramatically increased. Our mGage Mobile Platform does all the hard work behind the scenes by managing reponses. For example, taking the "YES" SMS reponse we can then provide our advertiser with the full PAF verified address, or guaranteed verified email address of the respondent. Taking that extra step guarantees our clients the highest level of success for their campaign.


Whether you are looking to broadcast to a general audience via SMS, or your have a specific demographic, or geo-targetted campaign in mind, LMG can create the perfect solution for your needs. Even if you are not sure how you can construct your campaign to include a relevant SMS broadcast, our expert team of client managers have some indepth know-how and are on hand to ensure you present a well-planned campaign designed to attain maximum response from your audience.


LMG itself has over a million UK opted-in mobile phone numbers with full address/demographic profiling etc and access to a further 5 million additional mobile numbers through its network of partners. As a media format SMS has certain fixed costs which are controlled by the phone networks themselves, the costs are dependent on the volumes involved, with higher volumes garnering lower per SMS cost. For example, excluding the cost of the data, SMS broadcasting fees ranges from 4.9p per message down to 2.4p for very high volumes. Contact us for a quote to obtain best fixed costs and our best data prices to run your SMS campaign.

Your broadcasts can contain whatever call to action is required - drive traffic to your website, requests for more information, register interest. Any email selections can be made based upon age, gender, sex, location, areas of interest, affluence, even house type . . . read more

Our proprietary email broadcasting platform nGage has been developed in-house over the past 10 years. This means we ensure the highest delivery rates achievable for our campaigns and those of our clients . . . read more

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